Austin Mesh
Austin Mesh is a community group working to build a mesh network of solar-powered meshtastic radios in Austin. This network acts like a city-wide text messaging system, allowing people to communicate publicly or privately with anyone on the network. All of this happens without any external infrastructure - no power, no cell phone towers, no internet.
More information
We have all sorts of great content on our website. From our world famous Meshtastic ELI5 to a great list of tips for starting your own mesh network we have aimed to share everything we learn as we grow Austin Mesh. Take a look through the navigation at the top of our site and drop us an email if you appreciate what we've done or have any questions or ideas. We'd love to hear from you!
Community partners
We're extremely grateful to our great community partners who have helped to build this strong network. Everyone listed here cares about keeping Austin weird (and a great place to live)!